
Membership & Dues FAQs

If you have a question not answered below, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who qualifies to become a member of the Charles H. Tweed International Foundation?
  2. What are the membership categories?
  3. What are the benefits of becoming a member?
  4. How much are the annual dues for members?
  5. What is the annual membership period?
  6. How and when do I pay my dues each year?
  7. If I missed paying for last year's dues, do I need to pay them along with the current dues?
  8. If my membership was cancelled due to non-payment, how do I become a member again?
  9. How do I update my contact information for the directory and future mailings?

1. Who qualifies to become a member of the Charles H. Tweed International Foundation?

Membership in the Charles H. Tweed International Foundation is available to all orthodontists or orthodontic graduate students who meet the following requirements:

  1. The person must have successfully completed the Tweed Study Course.
  2. The person must be a member of or eligible for membership in his/her country's orthodontic association.

Anyone who meets the above two requirements is more than welcome to become a member of the Charles H. Tweed International Foundation for Orthodontic Research and Education.

For application details go to Application for Membership.

2. What are the membership categories?

  • Honorary - The Foundation's Board of Directors can bestow Honorary Membership in the Charles H. Tweed International Foundation upon individuals who have made significant contributions to the art and science of orthodontics. If you wish to know the names of the Honorary members, you can contact the Foundation office. Indeed, it is a rather short list because we consider this to be a very distinguished and high honor reserved for people who have given their "life blood" to the specialty of orthodontics, but who have never had the opportunity to take the Tweed Study Course and pursue membership in the normal fashion.
  • Retired Members - The Retired Membership category is reserved for those who have been members of the Foundation for many years but who are no longer in the active practice of orthodontics. We have a significant number of retired members. They bring us honor by remaining as members, and they are used from time to time as very valuable resources as the Board struggles with important issues.
  • Regular Members - Everyone who has successfully completed the Tweed Study Course and who is a member of, or is eligible for membership in his/her country's recognized orthodontic association, is eligible for membership in the Charles H. Tweed International Foundation for Orthodontic Research. Every Tweed Course participant can meet these requirements. Therefore, every participant is eligible for membership in the Charles H. Tweed Foundation.
  • Fellow - A regular member of the Tweed Foundation who shows clinical material to the Foundation's Examining Committee becomes a Fellow in the Charles Tweed Foundation. Fellowship in the Charles Tweed Foundation is encouraged because the hallmark of the Foundation is the presentation of clinical material by its members at each Biennial Meeting. It is hoped that members who enjoy Foundation membership and appreciate the principles for which the Foundation stands will present clinical material and become a Fellow in the Foundation. A member's clinical material is evaluated on whether or not the person presenting the material had esthetics, health and function, stability, and treatment in harmony with growth as goals during the diagnosis and treatment of a given patient.

3. What are the benefits of becoming a member?

  • Membership benefits are:
    1. As a member, you support the Foundation and its mission.
    2. You are part of a significant group of like-minded orthodontists.
    3. As a member, you will be eligible to attend all Foundation meetings and Tweed Study Course workshops and activities.
    4. You will receive the Tweed Loop (our newsletter) and all Foundation mailings.
    5. You will be listed in the Foundation membership directory on our website.

4. How much are the annual dues for members?

  • Dues are $100 per year for Regular and Fellow Members.
  • Dues are $250 per year for members of the Tweed Study Course Instructing Staff.
  • Retired members are not required to pay dues. Please notify our office in Tucson of your status change.

5. What is the annual membership period?

  • The annual membership period is from June 1 of the current year through May 31 of the following year.

6. How and when do I pay my dues each year?

  • You will receive an Annual Dues Statement in the mail in June of each year. Dues are payable at that time. Two reminders are sent for non-payment, and membership is cancelled at the end of the following January. We strongly encourage prompt payment for the benefit of the entire Foundation.
  • Dues may be paid by check or by our secure online payment option through PayPal. Go to our home page to make your payment.

7. If I missed paying for last year's dues, do I need to pay them along with the current dues?

  • Yes, your past dues must be paid, along with your current dues, in order to remain a member of the Foundation.

8. If my membership was cancelled due to non-payment, how do I become a member again?

  • If your membership was cancelled due to non-payment, you will need to pay the amount that was due for each year your membership was cancelled. This amount will be due, along with the current year's dues, to activate your membership again.

9. How do I update my contact information for the directory and future mailings?

  • You may use the secure form below or contact us at 520-326-6002 to provide us with your updated information.


Member Information Update Form